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Book Cover

When Two Becomes One Paperback ~ $12.99

Sexual issues are often cited as one of the primary reasons for marital conflict and divorce. In When Two Become One, certified sex therapist Christopher McCluskey and his wife, Rachel, offer much more than a how-to book on better sex. Writing from a Christian perspective, they address many of the common issues with which couples struggle. This practical and detailed resource is one of the few that blend the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational aspects of marriage with the sexual, offering a vision of lovemaking that facilitates a deeper experience of intimacy on all planes of the relationship.


Coaching DVD

Coaching Couples Into Passionate Intimacy DVD ~ $19.95

Examines God's intentions for marital sexual union. A two-part live video presentation by Christopher McCluskey of The Lovemaking Cycle© and core material from When Two Become One. Ideal for use with adult Sunday school classes, marriage retreats, premarital counseling, marriage therapy and private use. (Run time 80 minutes.)

Poster BW


8.5 x 11 The Lovemaking Cycle Laminated Poster ~ $9.95

High quality laminated poster of the model as detailed in When Two Become One for use with counseling clients and small groups. (Permission to photocopy poster for handouts is granted with purchase.)



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Poster Color


11 x 14 The Lovemaking Cycle Laminated Poster ~ $14.95

High quality laminated poster of the model as detailed in When Two Become One for use with counseling clients and small groups. (Permission to photocopy poster for handouts is granted with purchase.)


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The Lovemaking Cycle PowerPoint
~ $19.95

Powerpoint presentation of the model as detailed in When Two Become One, developing the model in stages - excellent for presentations before large audiences.




Sexuality and Singles


Sexuality and Singles
~ DVD $14.95

A two-part audio presentation by Christopher McCluskey recorded live at John Brown University addressing adult singles and sexuality. Covers material from When Two Become One on a theology of sexuality and how to glorify God in dating relationships. (Run time 60 minutes.)

Spanish Resources



Spanish Marriage Book

Christopher y Rachel McCluskey ~ $12.99 USD

Es importante que los esposos y las esposas disfruten de la intimidad sin tener qué necesariamente estar sexualmente juntos. Hay un mundo de diferencias entre simplemente tener sexo y verdaderamente hacer el amor. La primera parte de este libro es un examen de las luchas que la iglesia ha tenido históricamente tratando de ayudar a las parejas a comprender las intenciones de Dios para el sexo.
La segunda parte, detalla un modelo esquemático llamado el Ciclo de la Relación Sexual, que ofrece una visión que anima a profundizar continuamente en la experiencia de la intimidad. Por último, el libro culmina con una aplicación práctica del modelo en respuestas a las preguntas hechas más frecuentemente por los cristianos acerca del sexo.

236 páginas. Tapa rústica.

Coaching for Christian Living, Christopher McCluskey
2004 When Two Become One. All Rights Reserved.